It’s a testament to the hegemonic power of Western Christianity that everyone– whether they’re Christian or not – knows when and what Christmas is. And yet, I bet that not many people who know that today is the beginning of one of THE most important holidays for Muslims, and next week is one of THE most important holidays for Hindus.
Take a minute to think about what person/place/thing is most precious to you, most dear to your heart and your life. Now I want you to imagine willingly giving it up for a greater good. Not an easy thing to do. In a sense, that’s what the Muslim holiday of Eid al Adha and the Hindu holiday of Diwali recognize and celebrate: the willingness to go beyond our individual cares and loves, and think of the greater good. Like any holiday or ritual, there’s a story.
For Eid al Adha, the story is about the same person that is in the Jewish and Christian bibles: Abraham. And in fact, the story is similar – with some differences. The Qu’ran tells the story of Abraham and his first and older son Ishmael. Ishmael is old enough to work with his Dad. Here’s what the Qur’an says next: “One day Abraham says to him: “Oh my son! I have seen in a dream that I offer you in sacrifice: now what is your view!” The son said: “Oh my father! Do as you are commanded: you will find me, if God so wills, one of the steadfast.” So when they had both submitted to God, and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead for sacrifice, god called out to him “O Abraham! You have already fulfilled the dream!” Thus indeed God rewards those who do right.” (Sura 37.99-105) So, instead of killing his son, Abraham kills a sheep which is then used to feed the people.
WOW! Father-son relationship; making a sacrifice; being steadfast; doing the right thing. Caring for the larger community.
As a student of religions, I find it fascinating to see how these themes play over and over in so many religions. It’s probable that the story was really about putting an END to child sacrificing. But the theme of a son willing to be sacrificed to his father’s duty before he finds his own path, is universal. Judaism uses the same story, with a different son. We see it Christianity with the story of Jesus as the son of God. We also see it in Hinduism with the story of Rama (which is what Diwali celebrates) and even to an extent in the story of the Buddha. In all cases, we’re talking about people who were caring, upstanding, good guys.
Father-son relationship; making a sacrifice; being steadfast; doing the right thing. Caring for the larger community.
The story of Rama is the story of a young prince who, as the eldest and a paragon of virtue, is supposed to inherit the throne. But his father has made a foolish promise to one of his wives. As a result, Rama, has to give up everything and go into exile in the woods. Like Ishmael, Rama recognizes that his Dad has to do what he is bound to do, and as a dutiful and steadfast son, he goes. (along with a brother and his wife.) After many exciting and difficult adventures, he returns to the kingdom to rule as a wise and just king of his people. [WR students, what does Joseph Campbell call this? Yes! The Hero Cycle]
Father-son relationship; making a sacrifice; being steadfast; doing the right thing. Caring for the larger community.
Aung San Suu Kyi, is a woman from Myamar who won the Nobel peace because of the stand she took against the military government in her country. But it meant that while under house arrest, she did not see her husband or children – who were in England – for years. It was a sacrifice. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, Ghandhi, all spent less time with their families – who suffered – because of the work they did. Young Malala Youseaif – who got shot in the head for promoting education for girls in her country, is STILL speaking out! The stories prod our consciences to think about what we would sacrifice in order to be steadfast and to do the right thing for the greater good of a just society.
At the same time, personally, I have a problem with the stories. I am aware of the dangers of sacrificing one’s self or one’s loved ones for the ‘greater good.’ Too many times and places in this world have we had people who ‘were just following orders’ which included killing others. In an article on the power of hate in Sunday’s NY Times, the author wrote: “A culture of authority and obedience that supplants individual moral responsibility with loyalty to a larger mission helps loosen the moral inhibitions against murder, social psychologists say.” (NY Times, p. 6, 10/13/13)
I guess we also somehow need to find a balance, and make sure that the sacrifices, the steadfastness, the doing the right thing and caring for the larger community are ones that make the world a better, safer, healthier and more compassionate place.
One of the really lovely rituals associated with Eid al-Adha reinforces the idea of the larger community because people take the meat of an animal and divide it into thirds with one third going to the family, one third going to the larger family and friends, and one third going to the poor and needy. EVERYONE is included, it’s not just about self or yours. It’s about helping everyone. Caring for the larger community.
One of the lovely rituals associated with Diwali is the use of lights, candles, and fireworks to beautifully transform time and place. Furthermore, people give each other sweet treats and gifts. These rituals also are ways to reinforce the idea of sharing with others. Caring for the larger community.
So, as Muslims and Hindus celebrate two of their most important holidays over the next week, let’s remember not just the differences between us – and there are – but also the commonalities. Because all traditions recognize and emphasize:
Father-son relationship; making a sacrifice; being steadfast; doing the right thing. Caring for the larger community.
Nice job: I'm glad you're back. One thing I've noticed about all of the examples above is that whether in obedience to a paternal, communal or religious authority each of the responses is valid only if made by the individual. Though our decisions may be informed by others, ultimately they must be our own.